Sunday, September 5, 2010

fitness athlete skin care

It's sad but true: in the world of skin care, its usually the big companies with the big advertising budgets coming out with big hits.

Fortunately for the little guy, there is certainly room in the market, at least if the tremendous success of Motion Medica skin care is any indication. Reported by
New York Fitness magazine Motion Medica is said to be used on the 2010 stages and runways. Motion Medica's new Antioxidant Endorphin Rush Serum creates a dewy, healthy glow finish on the skin with a formula so pure some say you can even eat it, although not suggested by it's creator Sandy Alcide who remains discreet with her famed clients.

Apparently it seems this product has an addictive spell on its users.

1 comment:

  1. This really is a genious product for athletic skin care. When i first used it I was not used to the way it felt but after a couple of days of using it before my workouts I could'nt believe how my skin looked.
