The leading fitness skin care guru, founder of Motion Medica skin care. Sandy Alcide brings her experience to help people feel their best. Her certified natural skin care line is widely known as the innovator of beauty products for the fitness lifestyle & has expanded with products for general skin care. Sold globally, during its growth, has inspired other companies&dermatologists to make skin care for athletes. Here you will find informative posts relatable to everyone.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Preventing dry skin in cold climate with an athletic lifestyle
An active lifestyle can bring on a new set of challenges to your skin.
Extreme climatic conditions can cause dry, brittle skin. Cold air lacks moisture and indoor heat causes dryness, a common complaint among winter loving athletes.
This is the reason why there must be special care for this skin type in order to have smooth healthy skin. Extreme dryness to your skin adds a whole new dimension to your skin care regimen.
You must protect your skin when exercising outdoors. Do not use petroleum jelly as this will clog the pores that naturally open during exercise to expel sweat. Your skin also needs to breathe even in outdoor cold conditions. Before heading outdoors use a sunscreen with zinc oxide in it. Not only will it protect your skin from the sun's rays but it will help hold moisture in the skin.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! After washing away sweat with a gentle astringent cleanser, always apply moisturizer after every cleanse. Never skip this step in your skin care regimen. If you cleanse at night before bed time , in the morning just splash some luke warm water on your face and follow with moisturizer. If heading out to ski or for a long run apply sunscreen after your moisturizer.
You must continue to exfoliate dead skin cells with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. The removal of dead skin cells will help the emollients in the moisturizer to penetrate the skin more effectively. Removal of dead skin cells and keeping adequate topical moisture levels will help ward off dry skin and reveal smooth, soft skin.
Your face that is the most exposed seems to get the most attention, but the same regimen applies to your body even under protective clothing the dry air will effect the skin too.
By Sandy Alcide, founder Motion Medica fitness skin care.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
1:35 PM
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Teaching athletic kids about skin care
As with all habits parents lead by example. If you take care of your skin most likely your children will follow. But how do you teach kids to take care of their skin when they have no interest in it?
Here are a few pointers....
In the single digit ages parents must supervise and be diligent of cleansing their child's skin. When there is no bath night the child must be supervised at the sink and get them into the habit of washing their face and hands.
Tell your kids about the important job their skin has to do. It keeps infections out of the body and keeps them from getting sick. When they take care of their skin they are helping skin do it's job!
Taking care of the skin today, will help with future problems, like acne, wrinkles and even skin cancer.
One simple way to take care of your skin is to keep it clean. This is essential for an active child in sports to prevent acne from their sweaty activities which harbors acne causing bacteria. Tell them how important it is to wear sunscreen when playing outdoors. You may want to show them a picture of a person's skin who neglected it, by being riddled with acne, and lots of wrinkles and dry skin at a young age from too much sun with no sunscreen protection.
Over zealous cleansing is unnecessary. Cleansers should not contain salicylic acid as it is too over sensitizing for this tender young skin. A gentle cleanser with lots of natural astringents will do the job and never apply alcohol based products to the skin as this will dry and irritate their skin.
Sports active tweens and teenagers should make a good habit to cleanse their hands (which will transfer dirt to the skin), and face following the sport and always before bed time. If skin is thoroughly cleansed at bed time just some luke warm water will do in the morning and a lip balm to prevent chapped lips from water.
Children of all ages and those who do not practice sports should never be permitted to go to bed without washing their face and hands if it's not bath night.
My own daughter who is twelve is now an avid runner and independently cleanses her face after her runs and immediately coming home from school when she has physical education. She told me a lot of kids in her school the same age as her has acne but she doesn't. It proves this method of teaching your kids holds true and it's never too late to start it.
Start this skin healthy habit now and they will have their parents/guardians to thank for healthy adult skin.
Motion Medica's Unwavering Determination Daily Cleanser is a simple solution for fresh faces and is gentle on young skin and washing away a hard day's play!
By Sandy Alcide, founder of Motion Medica fitness skin care.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
1:15 PM
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Alcohol can stress your skin
During the holidays, and off training times, it's easy to drink too much. And as people age, their metabolisms typically slow down, so, you often feel worse after drinking-less.Alcohol can wreck havoc on your skin.
The ethanol in alcohol dilates blood vessels, says David Colbert, a dermatologist in New York City. "Initially you might flush a bit during a night out", he says. "But over time too much drinking can stretch capillaries, sometimes to the point where they expand, giving you a permanent red hue."
Alcohol also dehydrates your skin, leaving it with a dry, weathered appearance. If you do some drinking, before you go to sleep drink plenty of water even if it means some trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. At bed time, be sure to cleanse your face and apply a liberal amount of moisturizer. This will help with the appearance of dehydrated skin the morning after.
If you want to socialize with alcohol, try to stay with the lesser alcohol content such as light beer or wine.
If you do wake up with a nasty hangover, sweat those toxins out with a good sweaty workout and drink up on lots of water. No matter how much you have to push yourself it will be well worth the effort.
By Sandy Alcide
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
7:35 PM
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Misleading labeling of natural skin care
In case you want to try a new "natural" product on the skin care market read this first.
Misleading labeling by manufacturers of natural and organic personal care products is resulting in consumer confusion. One of the greatest points of confusion in the skin care industry occurs when the word "natural" is used on the label to describe the nature of the product.
More companies are targeting athletic or exercise inclined persons because of their healthy lifestyles.
Natural products mean a lack, or processed ingredients (synthetic/chemical), or a non-chemical "process" is used in extracting the botanicals. Unfortunately, when these products are tested they are rarely organic or natural.
A growing number of skin care companies have been making natural or organic claims. Organic is when no pesticides are used at all and the herbs and botanicals are grown inside greenhouses. A more expensive growing process as smaller amounts can only be grown as opposed to vast outdoor fields.
According to Policy Director, Tom Hutchinson of The Organic Trade Association (OTC). "A personal skin care product that claims to be natural must have at least 70% natural ingredients". Most culprits of this misleading marketing are the inexpensive chain store brands and in some cases, the expensive brands found in department stores. The average ratio is only 10%-20% natural ingredients and the remaining synthetic ingredients or water. Also, in order to produce a mass amount, the natural method of cold pressing the botanicals are not used, but chemicals to extract the botanicals are.
Although the OTC has intentions of cracking down on these companies, Tom Hutchinson advises; "Consumers should be aware that at the present time there is nothing precluding a marketer from making all natural claims regardless of ingredient content."
If you suspect that it sounds too good to be true, don't buy it and if a well known and even well liked celebrity is endorsing it, they may not know the true value of the product.
Stay fabulous and a savvy consumer.
By Sandy Alcide founder of Motion Medica skin care. Copyright 2010.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
3:44 PM
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organic athletic skin care
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Why wearing make-up during exercise is bad for your skin-and how you can wear it if you must
With the exception of eye make-up and lipstick, liquid foundation, blushes and mineral make-up should be not be used on the skin during exercise. Sweat and dirt will get trapped in your pores and cause breakouts or lack luster of skin. Make-up will cause an array of oil, dirt, bacteria and chemicals (from make- up) cling to your skin.
You have 650 sweat glands per square inch. When you perspire during a workout your pores open naturally to expel sweat and natural toxins as methylphenol, urea and lactic acid. This is beneficial to your skin. But covering the pores with make-up blocks this beneficial natural occurrence. You won't be getting the full benefits for your skin from working out. An enhanced post-workout natural healthy glow.
When you mix sweat with make-up it will attract bacteria that will cause pimples, and white/blackheads. If you are not acne prone, normal skin can be more sensitive after a workout while wearing make-up.
The skin needs to turn over new cells, an avid exerciser produces more dead skin cells. When pores are blocked with make-up this won't happen. Your skin needs to "breathe", when you don't allow this to happen dull skin, pimples, dryness and congested skin will result from this.This may not happen immediately, but over a period of time it eventually will wreck havoc on your skin. Never wash your face with a cleanser that has oil in it prior to applying your make-up before a workout! This will really clog your pores by blocking the out-flow of perspiration in addition to having make-up covering your pores. Before applying make-up, apply a small amount of serum specifically formulated to protect skin from the elements of sweat, oil and bacteria causing acne.
Make-up that is non-comedogenic, is not referring to using it while exercising. Pure mineral make-up that does not contain oils or talc are no exception. Most of these pure mineral make-ups contain beeswax, lanolin and carmine that can clog the pores.
Rather than experiencing these negative results, take prevention before it happens. It may be worth the small investment of time to cleanse your skin before a workout and go make-up free. If you must wear make-up during exercise, wash with the highly suggested Stellar Performance Post Workout Cleanser. This cleanser is used by professional athletes after intense training.
I work with many women who are either time crunched to cleanse their face before a workout, or because of their profession must wear make-up while training. Think of your skin care regimen as importantly as your workout regimen, and with a little extra time dedicated towards your skin you'll discover an overall improvement with your skin conditions.
No make-up in the world can beat the natural beautiful post workout glow of a self confident woman!
By Sandy Alcide BioChemist and Founder of Motion Medica fitness skin care Innovator of beauty skin care products for the fitness lover used by professional athletes. She is a contributing writer for Always New You and the Huffington Post. Sandy Alcide is also the President of the American Athletic Skin Care Association with Co-Chairman Dr. John Daniels. She can be contacted via Motion Medica's website. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. You may use this article or portions for your blog, newsletter or website but you must include this paragraph and a link to
Posted by
Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
11:39 AM
does wearing make-up during exercise cause breakouts,
fitness skin care,
skin care for fitness competitors,
wearing make-up during exercise,
why wearing make-up during exercise is bad for skin
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How to Give Yourself a Facial the Correct Way - wikiHow
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
2:36 PM
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
Acne Induced by Exercise?
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
10:04 PM
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The Four Enemies of Healthy And Radiant Skin
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
5:03 PM
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Being in love with your athletic skin
I actually did a review about Motion Medica skin care and here's the link to my blog:
Maniacal Matron
I included before and after pictures of using Motion Medica after only seven days.
My skin improved and cleared up! My face is looking better every day!
Thank you, Sandy. I love Motion Medica!
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
12:05 PM
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Check out Sandy’s Fit Skin Solutions
Check out Sandy’s Fit Skin Solutions
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
7:23 PM
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
What is the definition of healthy athletic skin?
Healthy Vanity...
The basic essentials of what is termed "healthy skin" are quite basic. What actually constitutes the societal holy grail (ultimate goal) of healthy radiant skin is as follows:
* smooth, firm and elastic tone
* free of creases or deep lines
* has some healthy reddish tint (regardless of skin color) from profuse blood circulation
* ample water holding capability (no dehydration)
* uses little or no cosmetics (elle' naturelle)
* has no skin cracks
***clear blemish free skin is the number one factor in attraction based on psychological studies in 170 different human cultures.
Biologically, such skin has the following characteristics:
* a strong well formed blood microcirculation (exercise contributes to this)
* strong collagen and elastin fibers (prevents skin sagging)
* ample water-holding capabilities (don't deprive your skin of inadequate water consumption)
* has adequate, but not excessive natural oils
The key to healthy skin is maintaining the skin's acid mantle which is commonly known as PH balance (P)otential (H)ydrogen and a rapid turnover of skin cells (which a fitness warrior has the edge on so long as they are properly removed). These cells rebuild damaged collagen and elastin to maintain your skin's strength and resiliency, but must be removed by exfoliation to reveal new skin cells. This will also contributes to ample water holding capabilities.
Any damage to the biocirculation of capillaries and small blood vessels impairs proper nutrient flow to the skin, thus leading to aging and lackluster. Damaging skin rays will contribute to aging and cheap skin care products and cosmetics. Lack of proper skin care products for the fitness lifestyle can dull or clog skin's pores resulting in acne and dullness.
Use a sunless tanning lotion or bronzer than a tanning bed if one must have bronzed skin. Tanning beds and unprotected sun exposure causes a weathered leathery appearance of skin very common with athletes.
No harsh soaps should be used or are necessary, even for removing sweat, dirt and oil from a workout. Harsh soaps will strip your skin of essential oils. Avoid cheap synthetic, chemical based ingredients and products with alcohol. Alcohol is unnecessary for clearing acne and a common mistake among athletes. The leading cleanser for the fitness lifestyle is The Stellar Performance Post Workout Cleanser
Most people think it costs a fortune to have celebrity looking skin. A common misconception as most celebrities use lines that are marked up for 'staus quo", and have top notch photographers with air brushing techniques. One who does not have the same budget as a celebrity or renowned athlete can use products just as good, if not better in quality and dedicate a little extra time to their skin. Think of your skin care regimen as importantly as your workout regimen and you will look as fit as you feel. Healthy skin compliments a healthy physique.
By Sandy Alcide
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
5:58 PM
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fitness athlete skin care
It's sad but true: in the world of skin care, its usually the big companies with the big advertising budgets coming out with big hits.
Fortunately for the little guy, there is certainly room in the market, at least if the tremendous success of Motion Medica skin care is any indication. Reported by
New York Fitness magazine Motion Medica is said to be used on the 2010 stages and runways. Motion Medica's new Antioxidant Endorphin Rush Serum creates a dewy, healthy glow finish on the skin with a formula so pure some say you can even eat it, although not suggested by it's creator Sandy Alcide who remains discreet with her famed clients.
Apparently it seems this product has an addictive spell on its users.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
11:30 AM
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Monday, July 26, 2010
How steroids affect the skin
Its not to be concluded that any athletic persons or dedicated bodybuilders who have the following skin ailments use anabolic steroids. But if a person contemplating anabolic steroids, for any reason, the skin can reveal negative side effects of the drug.
Corticosteroids (topical steroids) prescribed by doctors, are absorbed into the skin in the form of creams, ointments and lotions. Corticosteroids stop these cells from producing various inflammation causing chemicals that are released when the skin reacts to allergens or irritation.
Anabolic steroids have few medical uses. Their primary use is to promote weight gain and muscle development in animals. Rarely prescribed to humans, the muscle building (anabolic) and androgenic effects of these drugs make them appealing to athletes and bodybuilders. Taken orally or topically, these steroids steroids come in the form of tablets, capsules, a solution for injection or cream to rub into the skin.
Although a muscular body may be appealing, these steroids have been associated with less appealing side effects for the skin such as acne, course or dry skin, cysts and very oily skin. These side effects of the skin can occur if these steroids are taken orally, injected or applied topically.
Inappropriate use of anabolic steroids stimulates the oil producing glands sebaceous glands. Over-production of this sebum leads to acne. The most "stubborn" acne is called cystic acne. This is a severe form of acne where pimples develop into small cysts. Cystic acne is caused by excessive build up of sebum in the pores and is not caused by hygiene or the lack of.
Cystic acne can affect the face, chest, back, shoulders and in rare cases, the upper arms. If cystic acne is not treated in the early stages by stopping the abuse of steroids, and with prescribed antibiotics, it can lead to permanent scarring, also known as "potholes" on the skin, most commonly on face and upper chest.
Another apparent side effect is skin becoming dry or rough, with a "scaly" appearance. There are a couple of reasons for this. While using steroids the side effect for rough skin is caused by the pores in the skin becoming larger. This is more prominent in women because they usually have smoother skin than men. If a person is suffering from acne brought on by very oily skin, a natural tendency is to overly cleanse the skin stripping the skin of it's natural oils, especially when harsh soaps with chemicals are used.
Another reason to stop the abuse of this drug is a possible, but less common side effect caused by long-term use of steroids is Cushing's Syndrome, which causes dark or purplish marks or bumps on the skin that can effect both men and women.
Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. It can make you look and feel stronger and healthier.
These benefits can outshine any drug for a healthier post workout glow to the skin!
By Sandy Alcide. Biochemist and Athlete Skin Care Consultant. Founder of Motion Medica skin care. Copyright 2014. You may use this article or portions of it but you must include this paragraph and a link to
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
9:53 AM
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athletic skin care,
how steroids effect the skin,
skin care for athletes,
why taking steroids is bad for the skin
Friday, June 4, 2010
Your skin care shouldn't feel like a workout
Introducing the new Stellar Performance Post Workout Cleaner for athletes and all fitness lovers.
Multi-action botanical cleanser infuses your skin with powerful antioxidants, antibacterial, astringents and moisturizing properties.
Sweat toxins out and cleanse nourishing ingredients in with scientifically proven ingredients for your fitness lifestyle.
Your skin will look clean and healthier in just 30 seconds.
Paraben and Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Free.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
2:30 PM
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Food requirements for healthy skin
Topical skin care products help your skin look radiant and healthy, but your skin still needs to "glow" within and that means eating the right skin loving foods.
Selenium. This is a mineral that is useful by your body to create protein with antioxidant properties. The best source for this skin loving mineral is Brazil Nuts. Other nuts will do but Brazil Nuts are found to be the best source of selenium. Whole wheat, turkey and fish are helpful sources too.
Antioxidants. Yes, I know, we hear so much about antioxidants. But you need antioxidants to protect your skin from pollution and UVA radiation. Include these foods in your diet that are chock full of antioxidants perfect to help your skin battle free radicals.: Citrus fruits, cacao, blueberries (organic-non organic are loaded with pesticides), prunes, leafy green vegetables like kale or spinach. And, drink your white tea and green tea.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Those of you who worked with me on your skin care regimens know that I'm big on Omega-3 fatty Acids for radiant skin. By helping to maintain healthy cell membranes they battle pre-mature aging by keeping your cells hydrated and free of toxins. Some best food sources are wild salmon just watch the bones), chia and flax seed, walnuts and sardines.
Liquids. Although almost all fitness lovers realize they need plenty of hydration, I'm often surprised at many athletic persons who don't consume enough fluid. Thirsty? if so, it means your skin is also. "Juicy" fruits and vegetables are great for hydration and pack vitamins for healthy skin. Include watermelons, strawberries, apples and cantaloupe in your diet. And, obviously, drink plenty of filtered or spring water.
Next time you indulge in these foods remember you are not only doing your body good, but your skin will show it too!
Sandy Alcide
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
7:37 PM
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skin care for athletes
Friday, April 30, 2010
Why is my sports bra causing acne breakouts and how to cure it?
This is a frequently asked question that can't be answered in 2 or 3 sentences.
Your sports bra is not the only blame of your acne.
It's actually a type of acne called Acne Mechanica. It's a a form of acne caused by aggravated heat from exercise by covered skin from a sports bra (less air circulation).
Constant repetitive "friction" and pressure causes Acne Mechanica. Tight clothing, such as sports bras that are made with synthetic fibers as opposed to breathable cotton, don't allow the skin to breathe, thus causing Acne Mechanica to form.
Fitness lovers wearing tight headbands, sports bras, bikers'shorts, helmets and backpacks are most likely to get Acne Mechanica.
The best way to avoid this acne is to get a better fitting sports bra. Your sports bra is not suppose to move or "bite into" the skin. You may need to switch from your current brand. A better fitting sports bra will stop the "friction" caused by constant movement of the bra thus causing this acne.
The most popular class of athletes who become victim to Acne Mechanica are runners, triathletes, sports players who wear shoulder pads and/or helmets, hats and (cyclists) have this acne on buttock area from the bike seat.
When you have Acne Mechanica, you should use a liquid cleanser that is not formulated for masses of people, but one that is formulated for a post workout and will return skin to it's proper PH after exercise. Use dermatologist recommended the Stellar Performance Post Workout Cleanser by Motion Medica. This cleanser has a complex formula to kill bacteria causing acne from sweat. Over time, if Acne Mechanica is left untreated it can cause permanent skin scars.
By Sandy Alcide. Sandy is a Biochemist and President of the American Athletic Skin Care Association. Athlete Skin Consultant Founder of Motion Medica skin care. Pioneer of fitness beauty products. Sandy is an esthetician specializing in skin disorders.Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. You may use this article for your blog, website or newsletter or portions of it but you must include this paragraph and a link to
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
10:39 AM
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
What is the best vitamin for your skin?
Vitamin A.
New dermatological studies researched by the American Academy of Dermatology, Duke University about the power of vitamin A for your skin.
Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins for skin. Not only does it work as an anti-oxidant it also helps to fight free radicals. Vitamin A plays a strong role in strengthening the protective tissue of your skin and repairing skin tissue. Skin tissue protects the body from water loss and dehydrated skin. The skin tissue also uses specialized pigment cells called melanocytes to protect the body from ultra-violet radiation and helps regulate body temperature and metabolism.
Vitamin A is also known to help fight off damaging effects from physical stress on the body and sun exposure that is common with an athletic lifestyle.
If your skin is dry or rough with a combination of acne, white/blackheads you are probably lacking sufficient vitamin A. For persons 18 years and older the daily recommended dosage of vitamin A is 10,000 IUs.
The best sources of vitamin A include animal products such as oily fish, eggs, cheese and non fat milk.
Vegetables, provide carotenoids which the body can transform into retinol (a vitamin A acid). The best sources of carotenoids include yellow, red and dark green plants such as carrots, spinach, bell peppers, kale and turnip greens.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
9:57 AM
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The following are some top myths about skin care which can make your skin care lifestyle choices less confusing.
BREAKOUTS ARE NOT CAUSED BY WHAT YOU EAT-FALSEAs fitness minded people its common we eat clean and nutritious. However, during holidays and off training times we may want to "live a little" with some forbidden food.
Many recent studies have shown eating a high-fat diet (even occasionally) can increase your skin's sebum output, leaving skin unnecessarily oilier. Pizza and cookies have a high glycemic index of carbohydrates which quickly convert to glucose, raises blood sugar level that releases insulin and androgen-the hormones that signal our sebacious glands to get into high gear producing more oil than needed, thus leading to possible breakouts-regardless of what your age is. Some persons tend to eat or binge on the wrong foods while under stress, then lead to believe its the "stress" causing their breakouts.
IF YOU WEAR SUNSCREEN, YOU WON'T GET ENOUGH VITAMIN D-FALSEVitamin D helps to boost the immune system and absorption of calcium. new studies have shown it also helps with depression. You can get plenty of benefits of vitamin D without going unprotected with sunscreen. Choose a multi-vitamin that has 1000 I.Us of vitamin D low fat milk fortified with vitamin D. The rumors of vitamin D deficiency were proven to be exaggerated with many diagnoses were the result of lab errors!
APPLY SUNSCREEN 30 MINUTES BEFORE GOING IN THE SUN-FALSEThis statement always bewildered me. You don't have to wait 30 minutes to head outdoors after applying a sun block.
"Physical" blocks, which contain titanium dioxide and micronized zinc oxide are almost instantly effective. It is vital to apply your sunscreen before you go outside even if its a five minute walk to your car, the tennis court or a run. In only the five minutes you are unprotected, the rays of the sun can cause damage, and, make a habit of all your unprotected 5 minute walks the time adds up for the sun to cause havoc. Before you get dressed in your workout attire, bathing suit, or clothing dot your sunscreen on and remember-the sun can penetrate through light colored clothing.
A BIG no no! Yes, most of us make an effort to combat the low humidity and poor air quality on a plane. But, spritzing your face with water in this environment can actually make your face drier!
The water evaporates and takes with it any moisture that is already on your face. If you like using a water bottle spritzer, be sure to incorporate some liquid aloe vera into the bottle which will give the moisture it's staying power. Your key defense against airplane air quality is drinking lots of bottles water and no alcohol beverages during flight.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
10:10 AM
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Botanical extracts that are toxic to skin!
New skin care companies are marketing products without safety testing of exotic plant extracts which have high incidences of skin irritation and with long term use can be toxic.
Some natural plant extracts fall outside the definitions of "cosmetic" ingredients and have never been tested for safety by the FDA.
Many of these new skin care companies advertise the value of various combinations of these exotic plant extracts in their products but provide no clinical studies that actually support their claim.
The following is a list of plants and tree extracts to avoid in skin care products:
Castor bean
Daffodil (keep it as pretty flower in the garden)
Buttercup (in Daffodil family)
Foxglove (another pretty flower only to look at)
Tulip "Bulb"
Narcissus Bulb
Cow slip
Rubber Tree extract
Fig Tree Sap
Any botanical skin care product that costs very little can be appealing to those who are unaware of these very "nice sounding" ingredients. Remember, you always get what you pay for.
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
3:36 PM
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How to properly wash your face after a workout
Your facial skin is more delicate and thinner than your body skin. Your cleansing methods are more specialized on your face.
"Never shock your face". Don't use very cold or very hot water after a workout. Your pores are open to expel sweat during exercise. Your skin is a bit more sensitive. Both methods can cause broken capillaries and red marks around nose and cheeks. Always use luke warm water when rinsing your face and body.
Don't use a wash cloth on your face when cleansing. This can irritate skin. Make sure your hands are clean before washing your face and body. Your hands can be loaded with dirt and germs after touching gym and sports equipment. Use a cleanser that is not formulated for masses of people, but one that is specially formulated for post workout. Dermatologists recommend the Stellar Performance Post Workout Cleanser. This is a complex formula to cleanse the skin and return it back to proper PH after a lot of sweat.
Starting with your cheek area use gentle circular motion. Use up and down strokes for the sides of your nose. For the chin, top of the mouth and forehead,; use straight back and forth motion. Never vigorously rub your skin. Not only is it unnecessary but it can cause premature sagging of skin over time.
The best and most effective wash is one that includes some kind of gentle massage and a correct skin care product. When you stimulate your lymph system it brings blood and oxygen circulating to the skin. This actually enhances that wonderful post workout glow of your skin.
By Sandy Alcide Copyright 2007. Sandy is an athlete skin care consultant and founder of Motion Medica. Pioneer of chemical free fitness skin care products. She can be reached via
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
10:33 AM
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Acne and Exercise
Working out at the gym may tone your muscles and cause the ladies and gents to swoon over your chiseled physique. But when they get a closer look and realize you're covered with acne, your six-pack abs can't save you.
Skin, the body's most visible and largest organ, can be riddles with acne problems after a workout. During exercise, your oil producing sebacious glands are also hard a t work thanks to a raised heart rate. Oils and water that is lost from sweat can cause extra oil and dehydrated skin. The perfect breading ground for acne.
Cleanse, don't damage your skin after a workout.
Product that exfoliate dead skin cells and contain alpha hydroxy acids, derived from willow bark, should only be used after a workout, not before.
Using this product can cause skin to be irritated, more so if you have sensitive skin.
Sweating is good for you! Besides a natural cooling system for the body, it also rids your body of toxins. But you don't want these staying on your skin. Always cleanse within thirty minutes of post workout.
While at the gym, give your showroom physique a break and show off your clear, healthy skin. You might get more attention than you think.
For additional information log on to:
Posted by
Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
12:21 PM
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Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
12:11 PM
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
Misinformed information about athletic skin care
It astonishes me how many persons are misinformed about proper skin care products for fitness/athletic lifestyles.
As I read forums, Yahoo Answers and even creditable magazines, I am amazed at the product recommendations made. Some of these are innocent opinions of people, who are entitled to share their opinion, but usually add that the product is okay, or are not that happy with their skin. Some are even doctors, who don't lead athletic lifestyles.
Most persons are just down right confused about what is the best cleanser for after a workout or before a workout. A moisturizer for an athletic lifestyle. When one works up a sweat via a raised heart rate from a 3-4 mile run or one hour of weight lifting, those oil producing sebacious glands are in over drive.
The avid exerciser also produces more dead skin cells which is akin to saran wrap, a translucent coating on the skin invisible by human eye, not removed correctly and frequently can lead to skin dullness, acne and dryness. Exfoliate? Sure, it was suggested an apricot scrub is great. Apricot seeds are known to abrade delicate skin tissue, even when not used frequently. But, hey, its only about 6 bucks for a big jar of it. Invest in your skin. Its the most visible and largest organ of your body.
Let me start with cleansers. A staple to a sweaty post workout cleanse. Most of the suggested cleansers for after a workout are mass produced brands that any person can use, including sedentary lifestyles. Currently, I noticed a drug store brand that simply added the word "sport" after the word cleanser. It lists a brief amount of ingredients, mostly synthetic and chemicals with parabens. None of these ingredients work as astringents to kill off the bacteria found in sweat thus leading to acne or any natural emollients to keep adequate moisture levels in the skin from excessive water loss from sweating and sodium, which can be drying to the skin.
But, the general consumer will purchase the product because its only five or eight bucks and the packaging and graphics are appealing to the eye. In the long run, its expensive to buy cheap.
Most of these cleansers contain a higher amount of water than active ingredients so the supply lasts a very little time, before you know it, you are running back to the drug store to buy more. Also, although they make strong claims as "deep pore cleansing" and "keeps your skin worry free from working out", the formula of ingredients don't come even close to achieving these claims.
Then we have the brands the department stores carry. You see, there is no such thing as "department store brands". Another misleading statement to the consumer who thinks if they are purchasing skin care products at a fancy department store with a high price tag they are doing their athletic skin a good thing. Not so.
These brands rent space from the department store. And they pay big bucks to do so, which in the end the consumer actually pays for and for the fancy corrugated packaging and sophisticated glass jars and bottles. Ask the person behind the counter what she/he would recommend for acne induced by exercise, and for certain, they will recommend a general cleanser for acne; period. And a moisturizer for oily skin. Sorry, won't do the job. They may even tell you how great it cleared up their skin when they don't break a sweat from exercise 4-5 times a week.
Maybe I'm too honest, which is why I will never be a millionaire. And that's okay with me. Because ethics and a great conscious is priceless.
With a fitness lifestyle, do you have special skin care needs? Yes. You also need to think of your skin care "regimen" as importantly as you do your workout regimen.
After reading my articles, I'd love to hear your opinion about products for the fitness lifestyle. And when someone recommends a cleanser for after a workout or body creme after showering up to 3 times a day-do your homework.
Use a skin care line specially formulated for the athletic one and you'll experience and learn the difference. Stick with an easy skin care regimen too. But, easy does not mean just wiping sweat off your face with a towelette. Another "worst" thing one can do to their skin after a workout.
Posted by
Sandy Alcide Athlete Skin care Consultant founder of Motion Medica skin care
4:49 PM
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acne caused by exercise,
cleanser for after working out,
cleansers for runners,
moisturizers for runners,
skin care for athletes
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